Understanding How Grief - Affects the Brain
Grief not only impacts our emotions but also brings significant changes to the brain, affecting memory, stress levels, and overall well-being.
Dying - for Beginners
This video explains the dying process very gently so that we understand it better and can have conversations with friends and family about it.
Love Your Pet - Grief Support
In this article we acknowledge the value of pets in supporting grief and the pain we can also experience when they die.
Looking - After Yourself
After the funeral, everyone else's lives seem to go back to normal, and you may be left wondering how you're going to cope. Read on for advice on taking care of yourself, crucial for your future wellbeing and that of others.
Bereavement - in Older Age
Although losing a loved one is perhaps more common in later life, this doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. If someone you know has been bereaved, there are some simple things you can do to support them.
The Benefits of - ‘Grief’ Gardening
When you lose someone, the grief will never go away completely — but there are healthy ways to cope. Some people find that gardening as they grieve, known as ‘grief gardening’, can gently relieve some of the emotional and physical symptoms after the loss of a loved one.
Losing a Loved One - Takes Your Breath Away
AtaLoss Subject Matter Expert, Sabine Horner is a nutritionist. Here she writes about how deep breathing can help us deal with the storms of emotion when we're bereaved.
Top Tips to Keep - Well Hydrated When Grieving
Read here why keeping hydrated in grief is important and how that can be achieved.
Supporting Grieving - Young People Training
ListeningPeople training and resources provide tools for teachers, youth workers, counsellors and anyone who works with young people to safely and confidently enable them to engage around the difficult topic of loss.
Symptoms -
Our Body’s Response to Emotional Stress: Unveiling Hidden Causes of Common Grief Symptoms. Are you puzzled by the myriad of grief symptoms you are experiencing?
Funerals: Find an Independent - Funeral Director near You
Find here how The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (known as SAIF) can help.
Funerals: Everything a - Young Person Needs to Know
A useful film and book to help any young person understand funerals (burial and cremation) and decide whether to attend and what role they can play in saying goodbye to a loved one.
Surviving Christmas - When You Are Bereaved
Tips for surviving Christmas when you are bereaved. First and second day of Christmas.
Counselling: - What You Need to Know
We provide some information here about what counselling is, what to expect and how to find a good counsellor that suits your needs. The information is helpfully provided by the Association of Christian Counsellors.
The Final Farewell: - The Power of Discussing Death
We can better prepare for loss, change the negative narrative, and remove the taboo by talking about death.
Christmas… a Difficult Time for - Those Who Are Grieving
Christmas is a difficult time for those grieving. This is the season of traditions and family gatherings and a by-product is that it highlights the ‘missing-person-shaped’ hole in our lives.
Annually - Remembering
We encourage people who have been bereaved to consider activities on offer at this time to mark loved ones and help them with their grief.
Supporting Grieving Students - Returning to University
As the new university year begins, supporting young adults as they navigate being away from home can be challenging. Here our Founder, Yvonne Tulloch provides quick tips on how to do so.
- Befriending
Loneliness is often something we experience following bereavement and can happen at any age. This article provides links to services that can help.
Preventing Drastic - Weight Loss in Grief
Sabine Horner explains why eating can become a major issue after losing a loved one. In the early days, most grievers simply do not feel hungry.
Losing a - Child
The death of a child, of any age, brings heartbreak and devastation. This article was written by Jane Harris and Jimmy Edmonds who set up the Good Grief Project following the death of their son, Josh.
Nourish Your Body - When You Are Grieving
Nutritionist Sabine Horner recommends ways to nourish your body when you are grieving.
Rosemary for - Remembrance Cake
A recipe for how to bake a Rosemary for Remembrance Cake from Nigella Lawson’s book Feast.
Why We Can’t Stomach Food - When We Lose a Loved One
Grief can cause a decreased appetite and other food related issues.
Michael Rosen's Sad Book by Michael Rosen
BOOK: A beautifully illustrated read for adults and children about love and loss which explains why it's ok to be sad sometimes.
Leaving a Legacy and - Reducing Your Tax Liability
Leaving a part or your entire estate to a charity can reduce, and in some situations, eliminate your Inheritance Tax liability.
How to - Hold Your Own Memorial
If you can’t attend a funeral or have chosen not to do so you may want to hold your own memorial service for the person you have lost.
Learning Disabilities - and Bereavement
This briefing is produced by Brake, the road safety charity. It aims to raise awareness of how people with learning disabilities experience grief, and provides advice on how to support them.
Young People and - Traumatic Bereavement
In traumatic bereavement, children and young people experience very strong emotions because of the meaning they make of the death.
The Grief - Goes On...
Dr Marianne Trent, a Clinical Psychologist and Author of 'The Grief Collective', talks about mourning and letting other people know you are bereaved.
How to Cope - with a Tragedy
Every death brings its own trauma to survivors. However, when someone is suddenly killed in an accident or murdered, the stress levels rise considerably for those left behind.
Traumatic Bereavement
Trauma refers to the way that some distressing events are so extreme or shocking that they overwhelm a person’s ability to cope, resulting in lasting negative impact.
What Is Effective Bereavement Support?
There is a lot of good intention around when it comes to bereavement support in terms of providing it but not a great deal of understanding of all the options available and the benefits of informal support.
Magnesium: Your Ally in Managing Grief Symptoms
One often-overlooked factor in managing grief is ensuring we are getting enough magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a pivotal role in over 300 biological processes in our body.
Autism and - Bereavement
There is not a great deal of research on how people with autism deal with bereavement. However there is useful advice available that can help us support anyone with autism, whatever their age.
Grieving Children - Returning to School
Children return to school after summer break and if they are recently bereaved it can be even more emotional for them. This our guide on supporting them during that time.
Funerals: How to Plan One
Our guide on how to plan a funeral. A funeral is an opportunity to create a special tribute to your loved one and whilst painful, can also be memorable and a positive experience.
Protecting Against Identity Fraud
We all know that thanks to the wide availability of personal information online identity fraud is increasing. But what happens when an identity is stolen after a person has died?
How to Deal With Someone’s Belongings After They Have Died
This article outlines the ways that belongings can be passed on after someone has died and what the legal rules may be.
Government Advice When Someone Dies
There’s a lot of Government advice to help and support you when someone dies. This article explains more.
Funeral Etiquette in Different Faiths
If you are attending the funeral of a someone of a different faith you can get advice here on, for example, what to expect, how to pay your respects, how to send condolences and what to wear to the funeral.
Five Tips for Supporting a Grieving Young Person
Here are five tips for supporting young people who are bereaved.
Cancelling Mail
This is our guide to cancelling mail. Receiving post for the person who has died can be very difficult. Depending on the type of mail, there are a variety of practical measures you can take to deal with the problem.
Official Documents: How to Easily Cancel Them
Using the Government's ‘Tell Us Once’ service will ensure all government departments are informed. This includes passports, driving licenses, pensions, benefits, national insurance, tax and blue badges.
Benefits and Bereavement
Benefits for you if you are a partner or child of the deceased. Depending on which of your loved ones has died your tax allowances, National Insurance and benefits may change.
Tough Stuff Journal: Someone Has Died
A resource to help young people express and share their grief and feelings of loss when someone has died - endorsed by professionals in the field.
Training by Listening People
Training for youth leaders, teachers and professionals supporting young people.
When Children Grieve by John W. James and Russell Friedman
In When Children Grieve, the authors offer a cutting-edge volume to free children from the false idea of “not feeling bad” and to empower them with positive, effective methods of dealing with loss.
The Grief Recovery Handbook by John W. James and Russell Friedman
Incomplete recovery from grief can have a lifelong negative effect on the capacity for happiness. Drawing from their own histories as well as from others’, the authors illustrate how it is possible to recovery from grief and regain energy and spontaneity.
Book: Love Untethered: How to Live When Your Child Dies
Vanessa May gives a moving account of what she went through after the unexpected death of her son, demonstrating that it's possible to survive such a shattering and traumatic loss, even when that might feel impossible.
Dancing When the Lights Go Out
BOOK: an emotional and profound exploration of grief, loss, and the societal taboo surrounding these experiences.
Therapist-matching and coach-matching service for in-person and online therapy
Getting Your Affairs in Order Before You Die
'Your Last Gift' is a practical step-by-step guide to getting your paperwork together, to help your loved ones deal easily with the 'sadmin' after your death. It has received excellent reviews. READ MORE HERE
Your Last Gift: Getting Your Affairs in Order
BOOK: A practical guide to making life easy for your family and friends after your death. It will help you rest easy too knowing you have done everything to help them. A great book to read during 'Dying Matters' Week
The Snowdrop Tree by Ema Lou Rowe
BOOK: How to help a child through bereavement; a story with outdoor activities for adults and children to share
Change, Loss and Bereavement in Highland
Striving for better outcomes for children and young people who have experienced change, loss and bereavement
A Heart That Works by Rob Delaney
BOOK An intimate, unflinching and fiercely funny exploration of loss by a man who lost his toddler son to a brain tumour.
Tell Us Once
A Government service which informs central and local government services of the death all at one time.
Bereaved by Addiction or Substance Abuse
Finding support and how to give support to anyone bereaved by addiction and substance abuse
Project Eileen
Multimedia project helping young people tackle the topics of death and grief.
Grief Works
APP: Bereavement app that is used with or in place of therapy, at a fraction of the cost of a single therapy session.
Keeping Your Feet on the Ground When a Loved One Dies
Deep breathing can guide you through the storm of emotions following the loss of a loved one. Our Ambassador Sabine offers advice and recommends a book to read.
Bereavement, Loss and Grief
WEBSITE: help and support for professionals including school staff
Cat Guardians by the Cats Protection
Cats Protection can care for your cat when you pass away.
An Expert’s Guide on How to Talk to Children About Death
WEBPAGE: The guide details the best way to approach the subject of death with children.
Cooking for One by Simon Beckett Allen
BOOK:This new book is designed to help newly bereaved people learn to love cooking for themselves at a time when they may have lost interest in food or never learned to cook.
Talking About Death with Your Little One (CBeebies and Child Bereavement UK Video)
VIDEO: Cbeebies video about talking to children about death.
Activities for Families to Do Together After the Death of a Loved One
LEAFLET: Ideas and activities for families after a bereavement. Produced by Balloons Charity.
Suzie Goes to a Funeral
BOOK: A simple story to help and show what children might experience at a funeral.
Someone Close to You Has Been Bereaved (Downloadable Leaflets)
LEAFLET: Leaflet aimed at helping concerned relatives or friends understand what a bereaved person might need and want. Produced by Dying Matters.
Supporting Young Children and Families Through Bereavement (Free eBook)
BOOKLET: A guide for early years professionals.
Estate Planning in a Digital Age Before You Die
Register a life or a death - Life Ledger provides an easy-to-use service that helps families simplify the death notification process before death and a free service for anyone registering a death.
Understanding Bereaved Parents and Siblings by Dr Cathy McQuaid
BOOK: Dr Cathy McQuaid's 'A Handbook for Professionals, Family, and Friends' offers us a useful guide about how to support bereaved parents and siblings
The Smart Grief Guide
WEBSITE: Developed to help young people find a way through their feelings .
Lost for Words (Free e-Book) by Benjamin Brooks Dutton
BOOKLET: Advice for children about how to cope with grief by Childhood Bereavement Network.
Are You Sad Little Bear? A Book About Learning to Say Goodbye
BOOK: Children's books about bereavement.
What Happened to Daddy's Body? by Elke and Alex Barber
BOOK: Explaining what happens after death in words very young children can understand
You Just Don't Understand
BOOKLET: Supporting Bereaved Teenagers produced by Winston's Wish.
Understanding Bereavement - The Welsh Version
BOOKLET: A Welsh language short leaflet introducing Cruse Bereavement Care and providing information about bereavement
Guidelines for Delivering Bereavement Support Groups
BOOKLET: Complied by the National Bereavement Alliance and Support After Suicide Partnership
Coping with Special Occasions
BOOKLET: This leaflet provides information on how to cope with special occasions following the loss of a child
Please be Patient: I’m Grieving by Gary Roe
BOOK: How to Care For and Support the Grieving Heart
Shattered: Surviving the Loss of a Child by Gary Roe
BOOK: Bestselling author, hospice chaplain, and grief specialist Gary Roe uses his three decades of experience interacting with grieving parents to give us this heartfelt, easy-to-read, and intensely practical book.
Grieving Parents: Surviving Loss as a Couple by Nathalie Himmelrich
BOOK: 26 honest essays by grieving parents
The Unspeakable Loss: How Do You Live When a Child Dies? by Nisha Zenoff
BOOK: A guide to hope and healing after the death of a child.
Once More We Saw Stars: A Memoir by Jayson Greene
BOOK: A gripping and beautiful book about the power of love in the face of unimaginable loss
Bereaved Parents and their Continuing Bonds: Love After Death by Catherine Seigal
BOOK: A counsellor shares her experience of working with bereaved parents
The Sudden Loss Survival Guide by Chelsea Hanson
BOOK: Seven Essential Practices for Healing Grief
Books Beyond Words - Mini Bereavement Set
A collection of four books which cover bereavement and death suitable for people who find pictures easier than words, including learning disabilities and those whose first language is not English.
When someone very special dies by Heegaard, M.
BOOK: Children Can Learn to Cope with Grief (Drawing Out Feelings Series)
The Bereavement Journey®: Offer the Programme
A proven way to help bereaved people in your community, with all the resources, information and support you need provided to make delivery easy.
No Place to Lie: Secrets Unlocked, a Promise Kept
BOOK: No Place to Lie tells the story of corrosive family secrets with an ultimately uplifting conclusion
Good Grief- Embracing Life at a Time of Death, Catherine Mayer and Anne Mayer Bird
BOOK: Mother and daughter Catherine and Anne, face widowhood on the eve of the pandemic. Sandi Toksvig says this is "The most life-affirming book ever written about death."
COSCA - Counselling and Psychotherapy Professional Body in Scotland.
WEBSITE & TRAINING: Scotland’s professional body for counselling and psychotherapy
Why Not Me?: A Story of Love and Loss by Barbara Want
BOOK: Ruthlessly honest memoir of a widow's pain in coming to terms with the death of her husband.
Tax Help for Older PeopleWhat sort of problems will Tax Help deal with?
Free, independent and expert help and advice for older people on lower incomes who cannot afford to pay for professional tax advice. With over 420 volunteers and a national call centre, we can help you, wherever you are in the UK.
The Swan Song Project
LEGACY & REFLECTION: The Swan Song Project gives people facing end of life and those surrounding them the opportunity to write and record their own original song.
A Birthday Present for Daniel by Juliet Rothman
BOOK: Ellen has lost her brother, and she shares with readers just how his death has changed the way her family interacts and the way she thinks about herself and others.
Saying Goodbye: Malin Andersson podcast
PODCAST Listen to former Love Island star Malin Andersson talking about the loss of her mother and her baby daughter and why it is so hard to talk about death.August 2020
If There’s Anything I Can Do: How to Help Someone Who Has Been Bereaved by Caroline Voaden
BOOK: Caroline Voaden explains how it feels to be bereaved and what helped her in the weeks, months and years following her bereavement.
Tough Stuff Journal: Parents Splitting Up
A resource to help young people express and share their emotions and feelings of loss when parents separate
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
WEBSITE: Counselling and bereavement advocacy organisation
Lament for a Son by Nicholas Wolterstorff
BOOK: The author of this book, lost his 25-year-old son Eric in a mountain climbing accident, has started the long, unwanted journey to come to terms with his grief.
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
BOOK: A portrait of a marriage and a life – in good times and bad – that will speak to anyone who has ever loved a husband or wife or child. A stunning book of electric honesty and passion.
Pets - What to do if you or a loved one dies and can no longer look after a pet
The Cinnamon Trust and Dogs Trust can help.