Supporters of AtaLoss
Meet Sarah, Who Co-ordinates Our Network of Supporters
Our supporters are individuals who believe in the work we do and are willing to help us in whatever ways are easiest for them…. in one or more of the following areas:
Spreading the Word About Our Signposting Website AtaLoss.org
Following our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn and sharing our posts
Telling local businesses, funeral directors, doctors’ surgeries, faith groups, libraries, care homes, universities, colleges etc, as they are able, about our work.
Distributing our signposting materials, where they can, so that as many people as possible can benefit from our services.
Looking out for influencers and putting them in touch
Helping Improve Our Signposting Website
Keeping an eye on AtaLoss.org and advising us of corrections and potential improvements
Looking out for bereavement support services and information that could be added to AtaLoss.org
Letting us know about grief related articles or programmes they’ve come across in the media
Engaging with fundraising initiatives we organise
Promoting donations to us with businesses, organisations and funders
Donating personally
Could You Help?
We recognise that life is busy, but every little bit of support means a great deal to us. You can do as much or as little of the above, whenever and however you choose.
It is also possible to help us in other voluntary ways. See our Become an Ambassador and Volunteer with Us pages.
If you’re interested, please reach out to Sarah who can tell you more.
Complete the form below and Sarah will be in touch. Or you can contact her directly at supportercare@ataloss.org.