Our Impact

Since 2016 AtaLoss has been:

  • raising awareness of the effect of bereavement

  • providing a central signposting and information service for everyone bereaved

  • training and equipping community support.

We are intentional about media involvement, partnerships and training to raise awareness of need for and enable bereavement support.

By the End of 2024:

The Bereavement Journey® was in 400 locations across the UK and growing at a rate of 4 new locations a week

AtaLoss.org - our bereavement signposting - was being widely promoted, including on the Government help website and the main media action lines. 

Media appearances had increased to average twice a week. 

3 Celebrity Ambassadors had enlisted to help.

We have since established an All-Party Parliamentary Group to advocate for bereavement support as a public health issue,

and have launched this third generation signposting website.

Our Impact in Numbers at the End of 2024

support services listed on our signposting website with over 275 pages of information and resources


in person The Bereavement Journey® locations with over 10,000 beneficiaries supported


national online The Bereavement Journey® courses supporting 970 beneficiaries and training over 200 programme leaders


‘Introducing The Bereavement Journey®’ webinars informing over 1,500 potential leaders


radio and TV interviews reaching more than 19 million listeners and viewers (assuming 2 x duplication)


church leaders trained in being bereavement friendly


teachers and youth leaders trained in supporting children and young people


exhibitions, conferences and speaking


partnerships and collaborations


Ambassadors, Associate Practioners and Subject Matter Experts

We are grateful for our funders – one in particular that helped us to grow exponentially in 2024.  We seek influencers, partnerships and donors to become part of our continued transformative journey.  Contact us.