Love Your Pet - Grief Support
Bonnie was only a small dog. She barked at anyone who passed the house, demanded attention at all times, and had been known to steal the odd biscuit when she wasn’t supposed to. But when Jean’s husband, David, died, Bonnie became the bridge between grief and Jean’s ‘new normal.’
“My little dog gave me a sense of purpose. Since having my first child at 21, I have always had someone to care for, including my husband during his final illness. Bonnie filled that gap. She needed me—for food, walks, and company. She was a reason to get out of bed each morning.”
One of the most immediate benefits of having a dog or other pet during bereavement is the companionship they offer. The loss of a loved one can lead to deep feelings of isolation, but a pet provides a comforting presence. Unlike human interactions, which may sometimes feel overwhelming or require effort, a pet’s companionship is unconditional and non-judgmental. Simply stroking a cat or walking a dog can help to reduce stress and anxiety. In fact, one U.S. study found that pets can be more effective for grief support than humans. (Cacciatore, 2021)
Jean found that her grief following David’s death sometimes meant that basic tasks felt insurmountable. Caring for Bonnie gave her a structured routine of feeding, exercising, and caring that required her attention and commitment. Having Bonnie helped Jean regain her sense of normality.
Walking Bonnie brought other benefits, not only exercise and fresh air, which is so important for mental well-being, but also opportunities for social interaction. Dogs can be great social facilitators. Jean often met other dog owners in the local nature reserve, and would share a chat. As Jean says:
“Dogs are a great conversation starter. I have always been a private person, so I would have found this difficult usually. But dog owners almost always acknowledge each other, and I regularly met the same people and dogs on our walks.”
Studies have shown that pet owners experience lower levels of stress, reduced blood pressure, and improved mood. The act of petting an animal has been proven to release endorphins, which can alleviate feelings of sadness and anxiety.
Three years after David’s death, Bonnie also died. It was unexpected, making this new bereavement a terrible shock.
“I had a bond with Bonnie that was built on unconditional love and acceptance. She helped me through the most difficult time in my life. When she died, it hit me far harder than I could ever have imagined. I still miss her.”
The Impact of Losing a Pet
The loss of a beloved pet can be profoundly distressing, often equating to the grief felt after losing a close family member or friend. Pets provide emotional support, companionship, and routine, making their absence deeply felt. Feelings of loneliness, sadness, and even guilt can arise, especially if the pet’s passing was sudden.
For those struggling with the loss of a pet, support is available. At, individuals can find services for pet bereavement and tailored help of various kinds for navigating grief. Acknowledging the pain and seeking support can help in processing the loss. Our The Bereavement Journey® programme also supports pet loss grief.
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