An elderly couple sits together on a bed, reflecting a sense of love and togetherness in their shared space.

By Dawn McCarthy, Information Development Manager, Independent Age.

Although being bereaved is perhaps more common in later life, this doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.

If someone you know has been bereaved, there are some simple things you can do to support them.

  1. Keep in touch regularly in the months following the death.

  2. Remember special days that might be particularly hard for them.

  3. Check whether other relatives, friends or neighbours can visit them from time to time.

  4. Encourage them to talk about the death and the person who died.

  5. Help them to look after themselves - ensure they aren't neglecting to eat for example.

  6. Offer practical help around the home or help with the paperwork, which can be overwhelming and worrying.

  7. Listen.  Comments can diminish what they are feeling.

Helping Them to Find Support

If they seem to be struggling to cope with their grief, you could offer to help them to do a simple search on the website to find some support locally.  Perhaps a peer support group where they can meet other people their own age who are also experiencing the loss of someone.  If they are not used to the internet, they may appreciate someone helping them to do this and to find practical information or helpful things they can read. If they have been grieving intensely for a long time, perhaps suggest that they speak to their GP or a bereavement support organisation (which you can find on this website).

Independent Age’s coping with bereavement guide has many more tips for you and the bereaved person you are supporting.  You can order a printed copy for free on the Independent Age website.

Improving Bereavement Support for Older People

Time to grieve is Independent Age’s campaign to improve bereavement support for older people. This video tells you about the campaign and how you can support it.

To find out more about Independent Age and the services they offer, click here.


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Emily Lewis

Emily Lewis is the Founder of TwoFold and a Squarespace Website Designer. Based in the UK.

Having spent years working for a marketing agency and as an in-house Marketer, Emily started her own website design company with marketing at the forefront. She has been a finalist for South Wales Business Awards Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2023, as well as UK Paid Media Awards 2022 'Best Use Of LinkedIn Ads'.

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