Love Your Pet Grief Support
In this article we acknowledge the value of pets in supporting grief and the pain we can also experience when they die.
Looking After Yourself
After the funeral, everyone else's lives seem to go back to normal, and you may be left wondering how you're going to cope. Read on for advice on taking care of yourself, crucial for your future wellbeing and that of others.
Bereavement in Older Age
Although losing a loved one is perhaps more common in later life, this doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. If someone you know has been bereaved, there are some simple things you can do to support them.
The Benefits of ‘Grief’ Gardening
When you lose someone, the grief will never go away completely — but there are healthy ways to cope. Some people find that gardening as they grieve, known as ‘grief gardening’, can gently relieve some of the emotional and physical symptoms after the loss of a loved one.
Losing a Loved One Takes Your Breath Away
AtaLoss Subject Matter Expert, Sabine Horner is a nutritionist. Here she writes about how deep breathing can help us deal with the storms of emotion when we're bereaved.
Top Tips to Keep Well Hydrated When Grieving
Read here why keeping hydrated in grief is important and how that can be achieved.
Funerals: Find an Independent Funeral Director near You
Find here how The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (known as SAIF) can help.
Funerals: Everything a Young Person Needs to Know
A useful film and book to help any young person understand funerals (burial and cremation) and decide whether to attend and what role they can play in saying goodbye to a loved one.
Counselling: What You Need to Know
We provide some information here about what counselling is, what to expect and how to find a good counsellor that suits your needs. The information is helpfully provided by the Association of Christian Counsellors.
Baby Loss and Grief
Losing a baby is one of the most devastating experiences a person can go through. This article covers how to understand the impact of baby loss and how to help those who have gone through it.
Preventing Drastic Weight Loss in Grief
Sabine Horner explains why eating can become a major issue after losing a loved one. In the early days, most grievers simply do not feel hungry.
Losing a Child
The death of a child, of any age, brings heartbreak and devastation. This article was written by Jane Harris and Jimmy Edmonds who set up the Good Grief Project following the death of their son, Josh.
Nourish Your Body When You Are Grieving
Nutritionist Sabine Horner recommends ways to nourish your body when you are grieving.
Rosemary for Remembrance Cake
A recipe for how to bake a Rosemary for Remembrance Cake from Nigella Lawson’s book Feast.
Why We Can’t Stomach Food When We Lose a Loved One
Grief can cause a decreased appetite and other food related issues.
How to Hold Your Own Memorial
If you can’t attend a funeral or have chosen not to do so you may want to hold your own memorial service for the person you have lost.
Learning Disabilities and Bereavement
This briefing is produced by Brake, the road safety charity. It aims to raise awareness of how people with learning disabilities experience grief, and provides advice on how to support them.
Young People and Traumatic Bereavement
In traumatic bereavement, children and young people experience very strong emotions because of the meaning they make of the death.
How to Cope with a Tragedy
Every death brings its own trauma to survivors. However, when someone is suddenly killed in an accident or murdered, the stress levels rise considerably for those left behind.
Traumatic Bereavement
Trauma refers to the way that some distressing events are so extreme or shocking that they overwhelm a person’s ability to cope, resulting in lasting negative impact.
What Is Effective Bereavement Support?
There is a lot of good intention around when it comes to bereavement support in terms of providing it but not a great deal of understanding of all the options available and the benefits of informal support.
Magnesium: Your Ally in Managing Grief Symptoms
One often-overlooked factor in managing grief is ensuring we are getting enough magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a pivotal role in over 300 biological processes in our body.
Autism and Bereavement
There is not a great deal of research on how people with autism deal with bereavement. However there is useful advice available that can help us support anyone with autism, whatever their age.
What to Do If Someone Dies Abroad
If your loved one dies abroad there are a whole set of considerations to take into account. However, there are people to help you and you should seek their advice if you find yourself in this situation.
Registering a Death
Registering the death of someone is the official record that their life has ended and is the formal government record of that fact.
Funerals: How to Plan One
Our guide on how to plan a funeral. A funeral is an opportunity to create a special tribute to your loved one and whilst painful, can also be memorable and a positive experience.
Protecting Against Identity Fraud
We all know that thanks to the wide availability of personal information online identity fraud is increasing. But what happens when an identity is stolen after a person has died?
How to Deal With Someone’s Belongings After They Have Died
This article outlines the ways that belongings can be passed on after someone has died and what the legal rules may be.
Government Advice When Someone Dies
There’s a lot of Government advice to help and support you when someone dies. This article explains more.
Funeral Etiquette in Different Faiths
If you are attending the funeral of a someone of a different faith you can get advice here on, for example, what to expect, how to pay your respects, how to send condolences and what to wear to the funeral.
Five Tips for Supporting a Grieving Young Person
Here are five tips for supporting young people who are bereaved.
Official Documents: How to Easily Cancel Them
Using the Government's ‘Tell Us Once’ service will ensure all government departments are informed. This includes passports, driving licenses, pensions, benefits, national insurance, tax and blue badges.
Benefits and Bereavement
Benefits for you if you are a partner or child of the deceased. Depending on which of your loved ones has died your tax allowances, National Insurance and benefits may change.
Funerals: How to Be Involved If You Can’t Attend
Saying goodbye at a funeral is a significant part of our relationship with the person we have lost, whoever they are. We may dread it, of course, but we still want to be present and to get it ‘right’ as a fitting tribute to all that they were to us.