Our Champions

We are so very grateful to our Funders and Ambassadors who are championing our cause.  We wouldn’t be where we are without them.

Their support - past and on-going - has been critical to our success to date and our work towards achieving our vision of ensuring everyone who has been bereaved in the UK finds timely and appropriate support for their present and future well-being.

We are enormously grateful to the following organisations and the many individuals that have supported us financially as we have developed as an organisation.

We use our funds wisely and have grown substantially to meet increasing demand. 

If you, a foundation or organisation you know, are able to fund AtaLoss to meet our future aims we’d be very pleased to hear from you. Please contact us to help towards our cause.

  • The FiftyFour Two Trust is a family foundation which has generously seed funded AtaLoss since 2022.

  • The Benefact Trust exists to make a positive difference to people's lives by funding, guiding and celebrating the work of churches and Christian charities; empowering the most vulnerable and giving people, communities and places a renewed opportunity to flourish.

  • Medicash is one of the oldest and most respected healthcare cash plan providers in the UK today. One of the traditions they are most proud of is their commitment to charitable giving. In 2019 the Medicash Foundation donated over £660,000 across 114 different charities.

    AtaLoss.org is grateful for financial support from the Foundation during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.

  • The Deo Gloria Trust has supported our project equipping and resourcing churches. to provide bereavement support in communities.

  • This family trust have believed in the potential of AtaLoss and supported the charity over several years.

  • Funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund helped us to pay for staff salaries as we responded to the bereavement needs of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Thanks to the Government for making this possible.

  • The Vintners' Company, with its first Charter in 1363, is one of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of the City of London.

    Wool and wine were the two prominent trades of the Middle Ages.   By the early 13th century the 'Mistery of Vintners' - associated with the church of St Martin in the Vintry and, to a lesser extent, St James Garlickhythe - was an organised and powerful body, dominating the wine trade in London and the rest of the country.

    With its trade, social, charitable and educational interests, the Company continues to play an important role in the 21st century. The tradition of charitable giving goes back to the earliest days of the Company, which has always prided itself on the willingness of members to help those less fortunate than themselves.  AtaLoss is proud and grateful that The Vintner's Company chose to support our work with bereaved people.

    WEBSITE:The Vintner's Company

We are currently building a team of Area Ambassadors who will represent our charity and promote our work in their geographical area or field of work. 

If you are interested in discussing this with us please see our volunteer with us page and contact supportercare@ataloss.org.