Please Help Us Grow

AtaLoss has reached a pivotal moment, helping to shift the culture around death in the UK. 

We are a society where people have grown up not expecting death and where we have lost the art of support.

AtaLoss is operating within the context of cultural barriers that stem from decades of ‘death denial’ alongside new challenges arising from shifting attitudes toward death and bereavement.

Four primary societal attitudes present unique challenges:

1. Ignorance Around Bereavement Needs

Ignorance over grief has given rise to unhelpful responses from individuals and institutions, exacerbating the trauma of bereavement, and highlighting a need for awareness and education of the natural grief process and of effective bereavement care. Even Funeral Directors, healthcare providers and clergy admit they are inadequately trained.

2. Default Positions

Most people assume that grief occurs around the time of the death, that bereaved people should be over the death in the following months and if not, that they need counselling.

As a result, there are long waiting lists of several months for grief counsellors, when community support would normally be sufficient.

3. Avoidance of Grief

Many people minimise their engagement with grief, or society denies them opportunity to engage.  But grief is natural and necessary for wellbeing. Unprocessed grief is contributing to many societal issues, including mental and physical ill-health, job-loss, homelessness, addiction and crime.

4. Active Engagement with Death and Grief

With increased media coverage neglect of death is becoming recognised and an increasing number of individuals and organisations are willing to engage with the subject,  but not all initiatives are helpful; some are perpetuating problems.

Having received a transformational gift in 2024 to scale the organisation, we have expanded into a nationally recognised charity bridging gaps in bereavement care and beginning to advocate for healthier societal approaches to grief. 

Our journey is one of compassion, resilience, and a steadfast commitment. Through our growing partnerships, church engagement and public presence, we are fulfilling our Founder’s vision of ensuring that everyone in the UK finds the support they need when they are bereaved. 

Our Aims

Over the coming years we aim to:

  • Continue to develop our signposting service into a fully comprehensive provision. 

  • Increase engagement in the public health and commercial sectors. 

  • Advocate for policy change and universal signposting through our APPG. 

  • Roll out ‘The Bereavement Journey®’ across the UK’s cities, towns and villages. 

  • Extend ‘The Bereavement Journey®’ to prisons, care homes, young people and special needs. 

  • Develop ‘Bereavement Friendly’ churches and communities. 

  • Increase promotion across all media platforms. 

  • Develop income streams for sustained growth.

 Please join us, so we create a sustainable future where the trauma of bereavement is recognised and appropriately supported for everyone in the country.

Please contact us if you can help in any way to support our cause.