Leave a Gift in Your Will
Your Will Is Important
Your Will is one of the most important things you’ll ever write, and if you leave a gift to AtaLoss in your Will, you’ll also help us to help your family and friends when you’re gone.
Here Are Some Reasons Why a Will Is Important:
1. Make It Easier on Friends and Family
Losing a family member is painful and stressful. A Will makes it much easier for your family and friends to take care of your estate.
2. Make Sure Your Wishes Are Known
With an up-to-date Will, you can have peace of mind that what matters to you is communicated for carrying out when you’re gone. It’s the only way to make sure your wishes are followed in the way you intend. However, remember that circumstances change over time, and for reasons which may not be apparent now it may not be possible for your family members to do so. This may cause regret and further pain, so be sure to say it’s just your preference, rather than necessary, wherever you can.
3. Give Your Assets to the People and Causes That Matter to You
Without a Will expressing your wishes, your whole estate could end up belonging to the Crown or government. Writing a Will ensures it goes to the people and causes you care about
4. Protect the Rights of Your Partner
If you and your partner aren’t married or in a civil partnership, you don’t have the same automatic rights as those who are married. You can make sure your partner is looked after by naming them in your Will.
5. Help to Minimise Inheritance Tax
If you’ve got a Will, it can help reduce the amount of inheritance tax that needs to be paid on your estate. Click here to see how a legacy can help reduce your liability.
6. Ensure Your Family Are Supported When You’re Gone
If you include a donation to AtaLoss in your Will it will enable us to support your loved ones after you’ve died. It’s a ‘win win’; you leave a legacy to us – potentially reducing inheritance tax – and in return we help your family. We hope that more and more people will see the value of leaving a legacy to AtaLoss in writing their Will.
You can also make a donation to AtaLoss before you die to reduce your tax bill and inheritance liabilities. That way you will see the benefit of your generosity. Here is how it works. One-off or regular donation here: