Financial, Legal and Admin Help
The administrative tasks surrounding a death can be mountainous at a time when we’re least able to manage.
In this section we are gathering articles and information to help those who are faced with this challenge. We plan in due course also to direct to legal, financial and other professionals who can help.
If you can offer a service or useful information, please contact us.
You might have to deal with the will, money and property of the person who's died if you're a close friend or relative, or the executor of the will.
If your loved one dies abroad there are a whole set of considerations to take into account. However, there are people to help you and you should seek their advice if you find yourself in this situation.
Registering the death of someone is the official record that their life has ended and is the formal government record of that fact.
We all know that thanks to the wide availability of personal information online identity fraud is increasing. But what happens when an identity is stolen after a person has died?
There’s a lot of Government advice to help and support you when someone dies. This article explains more.
This is our guide to cancelling mail. Receiving post for the person who has died can be very difficult. Depending on the type of mail, there are a variety of practical measures you can take to deal with the problem.
Using the Government's ‘Tell Us Once’ service will ensure all government departments are informed. This includes passports, driving licenses, pensions, benefits, national insurance, tax and blue badges.
Benefits for you if you are a partner or child of the deceased. Depending on which of your loved ones has died your tax allowances, National Insurance and benefits may change.